

Marine Drop
Bunker Push
Wraith Rush
Science Plague
Matrixed_Soulja adds:
Look Out Below
Locked Out
Annoying Medics
Defensive Barracks
Firebat Swarm
Big Units Begone
Terran Mega Rush
SCV Rush
Defensive Ghosts
Nuclear Win
Mini Marine/Tank Rush
No Way Out Defense
Defend Your Base
Nuke Drop
Nuke Drop 2
10 BattleCruiser Attack
Terran Melee Defense
Using Optic Flare
Clan Chaosportal
Longarms's Fast Expansion
Defensive Wraiths
Nuke Drop 3
Mass SCV Rush
Wraith Rush 2
Blocking Defense
Marine Ambush
Worker Kill
Marine/Medic Strike
Barrack Sneak
Medic Wall
Pressure Attack
Blood Bath Rush
Look Out Below

Good way to put a dent in your enemy's base, which was sent in by Skooshy22, thanks!

this is a strategy you can take your time on.start off with mining minerals like usual and get a few more scv's not too many though.get a row of depots, 1 barrack,and small defence force near opening of your base. when the barracks come in get a factory and 6 more workers for mining. get a good amount of gas because youll need it.get a machine shop addon and get seige mode,and get a scinece facility.build a few tanks, some for defence and some to attack,get 2 dropships,and get another factory and machine shop addon for speeding up unit making.when science facility is done get 1 or 2 vessels and the defence matrix upgrade.get about 3 more dropships to carry these big tanks.when ready fill up the dropships with your tanks and 1 scv.take them over and drop them on the edge of your enemies base.if you see buildings, perfect.seige mode your tanks and get turrets with your scv.once you are finished this process concentrate on getting defence,and doing this on another opponent,and of course stocking up on wraiths for gaurdians or such.since you allready have a science facility you might wanna concentrate on nuking now.get all the technology you need for ghosts and nukes, and find a conveniant place to prepare the nuking.once you nuke the enemy will probably give up and surrender the game.