
DarkTemplar/Reaver drop
Reaver Drop
Zealot Flow
Early Zealot/Dragoon Attack
Fallen Heck
Arbiter Rush
Protoss Fast Expansion
Hallucinated Carrier/Scout Attack.
Non-Cannon Defense
Protoss Alternative Defense
Corsair Web
Mass Defense
Protoss Mass Assault
Arbitor recall
Carrier rush
Offensive Cannons
Dragoon trap
Corsair wave
Ultra storm
Zealot Flow

A quick and easy way to kill Teran opponents.

1. Build 7 probes and put them all on minerals. With the 7th one, build a pylon.
2. Once the pylon is done, you should have 150 minerals to warp in a Gateway.
3. Have around 8 probes mining, and when the Gateway is done, immediately build a Zealot.
4. Once the Zealot is done, send him to attack.
5. Keep building Zealots, and if you have enough minerals, warp in another Gateway.
6. The Zealot will probably die, but it would do a lot of damage.
7. When he's dead, your second Zealot should be done or almost done building. Use him to attack.
8. Keep attacking and building until your opponent is gone. Remember to keep the flow going.
NOTE: Recommended only against Terran opponents.