
DarkTemplar/Reaver drop
Reaver Drop
Zealot Flow
Early Zealot/Dragoon Attack
Fallen Heck
Arbiter Rush
Protoss Fast Expansion
Hallucinated Carrier/Scout Attack.
Non-Cannon Defense
Protoss Alternative Defense
Corsair Web
Mass Defense
Protoss Mass Assault
Arbitor recall
Carrier rush
Offensive Cannons
Dragoon trap
Corsair wave
Ultra storm
Early Zealot/Dragoon Attack

Attack your opponent quickly with a mix of zeals and goons. Sent in by [G]Primantis, thanks!

this stratagy i use quite often and it works really well i took out 2 comps with this in less then 10 min heres is how

1st get 9 probes once your 9the probe is done use him to warp in 1 or 2 pylons then send him back to the minerals after 1 pylon is done warp in about 2 or 3 more probes for extra money after this take one probe and make him build as many gateways as you can afford (try to get at least 4 but dont go to crazy and get atleast 2 lots out for rush defense) then more pylons after this is all done make atleast 8 zealots and build a gas and make 3 more probes to mine it then a cybernetics core and finally a citedel so u can upgrade zealots speed while ur doing this u should be getting more zealots and a few dragoons and be scouting continue to build more zealots and dragoons untill the upgrade is about 2 bars from being done then go to attack the enamie but still pump out those zealots and dragoons

PS if ur getting attaked constintly put up a few cannons so u can save up your troops