This strategy is excellent in destroying almost any opponent. -Due to my laziness, I will not include the beginning (build 7 drones, get a pool, etc). I also don't think it's neccesary. -After you have a good defense, build massive mutalisks, hatcheries, and upgrade air attacks and carapace. Also be sure to mine a lot of resources, because you'll need them. -After you have over 50 mutalisks, make 12 guardians, and 12 devourers. -Make more mutalisks. -Make 12 more guardians, and 12 more devourers. -Hotkey all of them, plus 6-8 overlords, so you have 5 groups. -Send the first 2 groups of guardians and devourers to attack. Also get some overlords in. -Continue attacking, and if your guardians are dropping fast, get your other group in. -During this time, continue building more mutalisks, guardians, and devourers. -Even if you lose many units, you can rebuild very quickly and keep attacking until you have won.