Beat your opponent without expanding! Sent in by Njfan30, thanks! First build 9 drones. Then 1 lord. while the lord is building, make 1 miner into a spawning pool. When the lord is done build 2 drones. send one to mine and the other to be a creep colony at the edge of your creep. The colony and pool should be done at about the same time. make 3(6 if nessacary) more miners and a sunken out of the creep. Build a sunken about 4 spaces over. Procede to do that until you reach the entrence of your bace. Build 3 more drones for 3 more hateries Ring the edge of your base with spores, except the choke, that gets sunkens. Procede to build 2 sunkens about 4 spaces from the outer rim of your base for every 4 spores. Place scattered sunkens and spores around the miners and other places. Eventually fully upgrade zerglings, be sure to build them up throughout the whole game. When you think you have enough send them out. Don't watch them much, just keep building and sending more.