
Hydralisk Drop
The Better 6 Zergling Rush
Guardian/Devourer Rush
Lurker Attack
200 Zergling Rush
Mysterious Ways of the Canal
Lurker Rush/Drop
Land Interception
The Unbeatable
Mutalisk Rush
Defiler Madness
Ultralisk Drop
Creep Colony Rush
Early Expansion
Zerg Island Map Strategy
Zerg Defensive Strategy
Mass Hydralisk/Zergling Rush
Zergling Confusion
Anti-Large Air Units
Fast Mutalisk Rush
Hydralisk/Zergling Combo
Guardian Rush
120 Zergling Rush
Attack With Canal
Scourge Rush
Stop Backstabbers
Syztem Zerg Strategy
Zergling Crush
Thundermaster's All Unit Attack
Cheap Ladder Strategy
Conquer Opponent's Base
Mass Rush Air Assault
Congo Line
Mass Zergling/Hydralisk Wave
Zerg Mastery
Upgraded Zergling Rush
Overlord Tactics
Defiler And Zerglings
Take Out Photon Cannons/Dragoons
Lurker Defence
Guardians Quickly
Conquer Opponent's Base

Conquer your opponents base with the build anywhere glitch! Submitted by Devero

First of all you have to be zerg. You also must know how to do the build anywhere trick. The trick where the drone must be blocked off by another drone in a corner in the map. Anyways, send one drone to an enemy zerg base. Make sure you see at least his Hatchery. Then, back off from his base making the Hatchery in the gray shadow. Now, build a hatchery exactly over his with the blocked off drone. The hatchery will instantly start building. The oponent won't be able to see the building even when it comes in!!!. This always causes an uproar. Larva can be built in the oponents base!!! Have fun with this one!!!!