Surprise your opponent with a nice drop! Sent in by Skooshy22, thanks! make your drones mine minerals and build about 3 more soon as you get 300 minerals, use a drone to find the the other player and make a hatchery at the enemies expansion.when the hatchery is done get a spawning pool and an eveloutionary chamber at your main base.get many more drones and many overlord because you will need them.when the spawning pool and eveloutionary chamber are done start building creep colonies all over the creep by the expansion.keep doing this until you are in the enemies base.get a hydralisk den and a lair now.when the lair comes in get the speed and carry upgrade for your overlord, then get hydras and this time you are under attack near your expansion so do a drop with the units you made on the side of your enemies base when they are being distracted from the expansion.blast through the enemies base with the units while building more sunkens and spores on your expansion.redo this process until you are victorious.