Die you son of a ----! Sent in by Seminole, thanks! First build drones until you have 9 then build an overlord. You should have about 300 minerals when the overlord is done. Find an expandsion with a drone and build a hatchery. As soon as you get enough money build a spawning pool make 2 creep colonys later sunkens and keep building drones. When your expandsion is finshed build about 3 sunkens. If both bases have gas immediatly get gas at them and build 2 more hatcherys at the main base. Well you build drones for your expandsions. When the hatcheries are finshed upgrade to lairs and build a hydralisk den and research range. Once the lairs are done, upgrade transport and speed and begin getting overlords and hydralisks. When both upgrades are finshed load up about 8 overlords with hydras and scout for your enemy with an additiol one if you havn't found him already. Once he is found, preform the drop near or close to the mineral zone. After killing all probes and the nexus(command center, hatchery) attack his forces if there are any. If the forces seem to be too strong, attack other key buildings then run your overlords back to your main base and begin building a spire and 2 evolution chambers and begin upgrading. After you get upgrading, build more hydra/lings and get a queens den. Upgrade to a hive a.s.a.p. and get queens plus all ablities and parasite and broodling the enemys main base's units. When the hive is finshed, upgrade spire to super spire and get about 18 mutas plus more hydra. About now you will want to expand 2 more times or more and set up some more hatcheries. When the upgraded spire is done, get 14 gaurds and 4 devourers and fill up 6 overlords with hydra and head over to the enemy's base. This should kill him if your first drop did not. If this doesn't work then I suggest a mass of lings and other units to crush the enemy. If this still fails you may want to go heavy ultras and hydra.