The "best" Zerg strategy. Submitted by in by Raptorfreak15, thanks! First get all your workers to mine for minerals then with the 50 minerals u start out with get another drone,then keep on mining till u get 75 minerals build a Creep Colony(morph it to a sunken, u must have spawning pool before)just to stop a rush early on!!! Then get more drones until you have 15 miners ,then what u need is more drones keep on miningtill u get 300 build a Evolution Chamber(this works best with only 1 enterance)then keep on mining more and more get drones/overlords over and over then when u have around 2000 or 3000 minerals build a hatchery near the enterance of your base kinda far away not much! then get more drones about 15 more then get sunkens in the enterance of your base and spores at the edges of your base for air defense then u should have a hydralisk den,hive,evolution chamber,a spire,and queens nest for armies and such there u go the best defense strategy with Zerg!!!