How to attack with a variety of units. Submitted by Thundermaster Start getting drones like 8 or 7. Then you need to make a hetchery at the entrance of your base but not to close to the edge. Now whiel that is building you need to make a spawning pool and an overlord. Now the pool and the hatchery should finish at the same time. Now that the overlord is done you need to make like 5 more drones and start to build atleast 9 sunken colonies. After You get defence make at a free spase like 4 harcheriesand make 6 additional drones. When the drones are done you need to make 12 overlords and make one extractor for gas and put the other five drones in it. Yes ou might think it is too much but it is the best way to get lots of gas. Now make 4 more hatcheries and fill up 2 more gysers just like the first one. So try to get 24 drones for minerals.Ok by now you should have made atleast 12 lurkers for the defence and im sure you have gotten attackt so this is the time to get ready. Make 3 evolution chambers,2 spiers, one hydralisk den and one ultralisk mound. The first thing you need to do is make upgrades untill you finish your unit limit. Start to make men in the mean time. You need to make 12 more overlords do it now. Now you need to make this quantity of units exactly 6 ultralisk 12 mutaslisk 24 hydralisk and 36 zerglings. if you have any more unit limit left over use it for what you think is right. I whoukd sudgest hydralisk or mutalisk. To attack the enemy with this strategy Protoss, To attack protoss you need to send in the mutalisk by the sides and the ultralisk and hydralisk by the front. If you are fighting a comp then kill all the pylons and templars. Dont forget to send an overlord or 2 for detector. Now after you do that you need to attack all the probes and the nexus it is possible that he has excaped so leve the zergling outside and enter half of them this should work. Terran, When you attack terran air wont work so send the ultralisk in with all you hydralisk and zerglings behind them. it is prefreble an air drop by one of the sides. Now if you attack by the side you need to be quik and move down and up from bouth sides and send the mutas to attack the command center good luck. Zerg, To do this send first the zergling and the mutas with an overlord. watch out you dont get killed with lurkers so use mutas to kill them. Then send in thehydralisk and ultralisk after you brake in. this should help slow down the chanse of getting ambushed on your best units. if the zerglings are upgraded it shpould be a hard target if not then you are in trouble so this is all the advise i got for you on this strategy good luck