Attack your opponent with mass hydras and zerglings! Sent in by Hipyractev, thanks! Start by getting 9 drones and then a spawning pool, build about 2 or 3 creep colonies for defense, get atleast 26 more drones getting minerals (doesnt have to be right away, just soon), and get 12 drones getting gas, get a hydralisk den and start upgrading ling/hydra speed and attack range/speed, build a total of 9 more hatcheries and have 5 hatcheries getting hydras and 5 getting lings, you should have enough drones that you wont run out minerals or gas, once your unit spaces are up to about 100-140, attack. If the attack fails (which i doubt will happen) you can VERY quickly get your guys back since you have 10 hatcheries.... I have never lost with this strategy or seen it loose either.... o btw you need tons of cash so do it on a BGH type map