Surprise your opponent with Ultralisks! Sent in by Goldenjack9! Thanks! 1.First get 12 ultralisk. 2. Upgred Everything!!!!! This is very Important(upgrade melee attacks, carapace, speed,ect.). They work 50% better if you have them upgraded! 3.Scout.This is really easy if you have a terran allie(scanner sweep). If you dont have a terran allie, use a scourge or mutalisk. 4.When and if you find an open spot, drop the ultras itno your opponents base. 5 Have your overlord's speed ang drop ability upgraded. 6. If you ant find an open spot, Use guardians to clear a path! Most people think ultralisk suck, and they do, UNLESS UPGRADED! When they are upgraded, they kick much @$$.;)