This strategy is one of the many uses of Nydus Canals. Submitted by Skooshy22, thanks! send your drones mining and build up gas fast.collect enough minerals for a spaning pool and get it fast.fill up on defence like sunkens and spores nearby your hatchery and then get a soon as the lair pops in get a queens nest and some more workers.when the queens nest morphs get a hive and at least 10 more overlords and 2 more hatcheries.when the hive is ready get as many lings as you can, the transport ability for the overlords,and some more drones.when you are ready,pick up 3 workers in overlord.go to the side of your enemies base and slowly move up near the minerals but keep it unnoticeable, and use your first worker for hatchery.when the creep moves out get a canal at your main base and the exit at the sneaky base with your second drone that was dropped off.with your last drone scout in to your enemies base.when you find a weak spot send your lings into your canal and send a brutal attack of lings to the weak spot ! catching your enemy off gaurd giving you a great chance of winning.