A fast and deadly way to kill your opponent 1on1. It was submitted by Skooshy22, thanks! first build up to 9 drones and have 3 overlords.at that time your minerals come in pretty fast.once you have 300 minerals build another hatchery and then a few more drones.get a spawning pool near the back of your base so it will be hard to find if attacked early in the game and you can still pop out some little lings.get 1 or 2 more hatcheries and start building up on lings.get more overlords and some more drones to keep yourself going.at the time of having about 200 lings send em all out. while they are attacking it gives you time to get some more technology.if your zergs ar e penetrated they are probably weak by now and if you followed this carefully you have some highly upgraded attackers back at your main base.