
Hydralisk Drop
The Better 6 Zergling Rush
Guardian/Devourer Rush
Lurker Attack
200 Zergling Rush
Mysterious Ways of the Canal
Lurker Rush/Drop
Land Interception
The Unbeatable
Mutalisk Rush
Defiler Madness
Ultralisk Drop
Creep Colony Rush
Early Expansion
Zerg Island Map Strategy
Zerg Defensive Strategy
Mass Hydralisk/Zergling Rush
Zergling Confusion
Anti-Large Air Units
Fast Mutalisk Rush
Hydralisk/Zergling Combo
Guardian Rush
120 Zergling Rush
Attack With Canal
Scourge Rush
Stop Backstabbers
Syztem Zerg Strategy
Zergling Crush
Thundermaster's All Unit Attack
Cheap Ladder Strategy
Conquer Opponent's Base
Mass Rush Air Assault
Congo Line
Mass Zergling/Hydralisk Wave
Zerg Mastery
Upgraded Zergling Rush
Overlord Tactics
Defiler And Zerglings
Take Out Photon Cannons/Dragoons
Lurker Defence
Guardians Quickly
Stop Backstabbers

Stop backstabbers with lurkers! Submitted by SuperFly308

Don't you hate those BackStabbers! I hate them too. Well I have a tactic that will help you stop them, first you need to be zerg and your allied friend (the backstabber) has to be Protoss. First build lots of Lurkers, stick about 5 or 6 Lurkers around every pylon in thier base, then the second they start to BS you just have your Lurkers take out all their pylons instantly, it powers down their whole base in seconds. Then just destroy them, a base without power isn't going to do much.